Friday, February 22, 2013

Silver Queen Room 11 & 13

~Wild Night! We get lots of KII hits early on at the Silver Queen. Early, at about 8pm we began to hunt at the Washoe Club. Little results. There were people playing music in the bar. We hunted only the first floor and out back. No KII hits. Amber gets a good Orb. We were at the Silver Queen by 9:30 p.m. We set up in room 11. I bring flowers for Rosie. We were told how alive the Queen was, especially in mid-week and in winter. Besides one other room occupied, we were the only ones in the hotel. We had free reign to hunt the 2 story building. We were told that room 13, which connected to our room, was very active. We begin investigating room 13. This is when things start getting interesting. I do a session alone with my night vision and see (3) darting orbs across the room. An amazing shot of a man sitting in the chair was captured. We immediately feel odd and uneasy. We head up to the 2nd floor to investigate. It is about this time I start hearing disembodied voices, both male and female. Some light hits on the KII. Makes me think residual. I hear disembodied voices throughout the entire investigation. (This is a first time experience for me). We move to first floor. As I’m walking by room 11, the door knob jiggles. I get a EVP of a man’s sigh. Ambers recorders’ battery drains.  I ask “Can u tell me your name?” and I get a Class A “Mary.” I go back into room 13. My camcorder starts focusing strangely.  I move into room 11. We start a spirit box session. I get hard tapping on my recorder. A couple sounds through the recorder/spirit box. A “No” though the spirit box when I ask a question. I start feeling drained. My body is reacting to something. I have my hair touched. Temperature drops quickly in the room. I feel a presence around me closely. We begin to feel overpowered… room 13 is menacing. We decide to close the door at which time we hear 2 loud growls. We never go back into room 13.  We note aloud that its odd that we are getting activity with no KII hits. We are so unraveled that we step outside. We come back in, outside room 11. I hear more disembodied voices and feel rushed upon. I get a interesting sound on EVP. We investigate more on floor 1 & stairwell. Amber hears saloon music. A young child on the stairs is captured on film. We continue to hear disembodied voices. We head to room 11 where we take a very short rest. During this time I hear a loud sound, like Velcro (my camera bag?). Amber reacts strongly to something touching her as she sleeps.  The door handle violently shakes. We hear many voices coming from the hallway. Sounds like furniture is being moved in room 13. At 6:15am we begin a few more spirit box sessions. Immediately the tapping begins. We hear two Class A evps that say “Amber”. There is also a few more male evp voices and well as a “guitar-sound”. Across the spirit box we get the same woman the entire time speak. I ask “where did u come from” and an absolutely perfect answer came through that said “Carson City”. And as much as we want to continue, we pack up and head out. We will be thinking about this hunt for many years to come. 

UPDATE ON EVIDENCE: After reviewing my video evidence, I caught more flying orbs than I thought - in both rooms 11 and 13. Amber caught on EVP a little girl talking and an EVP that sounds like “Wackerly.” After speaking with Bret, he informed me these experiences were all common and that we came in contact with William & Rosie. In addition, a few minutes of saloon music in room 11 was captured. We look at the video evidence again, and notice a book doesn’t fall, but is pushed off the bed and immediately after, and orb flies away from it.

Miners Cabin/Gold Hill, Nevada pt 1

~ One word… dud! Well, okay, it wasn’t that bad a few interesting things happened but no where as near as the last investigation. This trip I had my new SB7 which I was excited to try out. In the day, we visited the Washoe Club and did some KII measures with Bret. Was as active as the last time. He told us that while we were there, the back door opened, and had opened a few times that day, which was out of the ordinary. We then went and checked in at the Miners Cabin and began setting up. At this time one of our cars honks for no reason. Werid, but can’t claim paranormal. We took some equipment on the grounds, by the Yellowjacket Mine and surrounding areas. Was interesting, but no evidence. We went back into the cabin and began to hunt. No feelings, no sounds. It was “dead” so to speak. After some time we set up a camera & recorders in room 19. We headed to the Goldhill Cemetary. It was windy and cold, but we walked around and I did some EVP’s alone for a while. No feelings. No evidence. But there is something about being in a cemetery at night. Its pretty neat. We then headed to the Washoe Club. We set up and begin. At this time, we were all standing close to the back door when the knob turned and tried to open. It scared the crap out of us. The door was locked otherwise I’m confident the door would have opened. No wind gets back there. I set up a night vision camera towards the door, but it never did it again. The meters did one session of solid hits. I got some feedback on my new ghost box, seemed to say the name “rick or rich”. But after a few hours, we got bored and headed back to the cabin. Nothing was moved and the feeling in the cabin never was as it was the last investigation. At one point we thought we heard a voice coming from room 18 and the outside front door opened 3 times, but can’t conclude paranormal. We ended up going to sleep at about 4 a.m. The KIIs hit sometimes, but no EVPS were caught. Quite Slow all in all.

UPDATE ON EVIDENCE: After EVP review, we received a “Stop”, and “He Will Return” from the Cabin, and woman voices & yelling, humming at the Washoe. In addition, after reviewing the 3+ hours of Room 19 footage, MUCH WAS FOUND. The cabin became alive when we left, it sounds like people are walking through the cabin several times, talking, thuds, knocking, rolling sounds, conversations, camera going in and out of focus and moving around. Also, 2 orbs were noted in room 19, however, we hadn’t left the cabin yet. (Note to self, just cause a hunt seems like a dud, it may not be…)

Old Washoe Club

First Floor Investigation
Amber Wackerly, Jessica Thomsen & (2) Fellow Investigators

~Overnight investigation. This investigation consisted of us 4 being locked into the building overnight. Before the hunt, we went over to the main cemetery. What a perfect night. Overcast, no wind, full moon. Its beautiful. We walk back a ways, as a giant crow is staring at us, swaking non stop. We do a couple EVP sessions. Nothing. No KII hits. The Ovillus gets some interesting results such as “pair, arrest, Terry, Brad, incubus, stay dry….” We get a couple of amazing figure photos. All in all it was a neat, peaceful experience. We head back to the Washoe and wait for all the customers to leave. We get antsy and sit at a table in back. We pull out the KII’s and instantly, we start getting hits. I go to the bathroom with same results. Its odd. Finally the time comes and we get locked in… at about 11:30 p.m. As I expect, the KII hits stop and a calm comes over the building. We begin at the spiral staircase and do an EVP session. I hear two distinct knocks from up the stairs. I get it on the recorder.  I then leave my camcorder in the crypt by itself. I don’t find results from this until I get home the next day. The place comes alive and in our 7 hours of investigating we received MANY hits of evidence. Amber has dowsing rods, which work in a good session. They keep pointing to me. I feel something around me and put my hands out palm forward and ask it to touch me. A fellow investigator gets an amazing photo of a light touching my hands. Our EVP sessions find the same man talking. We get a Class A “Don’t Go” as well as many sighs. We do get a woman voice as well. The Ovillus says “Nick & Debby” while we are talking about them (TV personalities). We hear walking upstairs. In addition to my photo with the light, a fellow investigator photographs a black shadow man with a cowboy hat and many light anomolies. At about 5:00 a.m. we fall asleep for a couple of minutes, except for one of us. She claims she feels uneasy and her photos prove it. Some scary red faces. She says she scares them away with her flash. At this time our KIIs are on constant red, something they didn’t do all night, not like this anyways. We are exhausted. And pack up and leave. The next day I review my evidence of the crypt. There are distinct bells ringing like a sleigh. About 20 minutes in, something starts either messing with the camera or moving the rocks on the table. Can’t say for sure, but its something. Also, rocks are being thrown or falling from above. Not sure if this is a common occurrence. All in all, this trip was mind blowing.

The Very Early Days

Saint Mary's Hospital - Virginia City, NV

(Jessica's Point of View) - Being my very first investigation, I didn’t know what to expect. I walked in with a cheap recorder, a digital camera, a “ghost meter” and a flashlight. That’s it. Earlier in the day, Amber & I went up to the 4th floor and immediately felt uneasy and took some shots, which produced some interesting orbs which we couldn't conclude was anything but dust. The main investigation began at 9 pm. Our group started on Floor 2. We were in one of the patient rooms and conducted an EVP session. A borrowed KII we were using started going off. We asked how many people were in the room. Upon playback we got a Class A “One”. We move up to the 3rd floor. We go into the conference room with a large group. EVP session began - people were asking questions. After a question a fellow investigator asked, we received a startling “Drop Dead.” Pretty unsettling, and that investigator cleansed himself outside the room. We move into the hall, where someone has a “ghost box” they had made. The words began… and receive a “Mommy Daddy Died here… never got to grow up.” Amazing moment. We move up to the 4th floor where we had felt things earlier… however, all activity ceased. We conducted a frank box session with no results. We move down to floor 1 and no feeling came over me. The energy has seemed to move on. But all in all, what a fun first investigation. At this time, we were definitely outsiders and watched the fellow paranormal groups closely. It taught us quite a bit.